March 14, 2023 3 min read

Port Vila Cyclone Disaster Recovery Plea

On the 1st of March 2023 the lives of many people in Port Vila, Vanuatu would change dramatically. A category 4 tropical cyclone named Judy hit the island with extreme force and left a wake of destruction behind her.

The devastation was horrific. 

Houses were destroyed, there was no power throughout the island of Efate and some areas were without clean water. But it was not all over.

On Friday the 3rd of March 2023, a mere 2 days later, Tropical Cyclone Kevin, also classified as a category 4, hit the island. With winds over 220 km per hour, the aftermath was overwhelming! Vanuatu has been devastated by these two cyclones in just a few days, but the effects will last a lifetime.

The struggle is real. 

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Cyclone Judy & Kevin distructin, Port Vila, Vanuatu 2023
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Cyclone Judy & Kevin distructin, Port Vila, Vanuatu 2023
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Cyclone Judy & Kevin distructin, Port Vila, Vanuatu 2023

A large number of people rely on food that is grown locally, and many of these food gardens have been decimated! This leaves people living on rice and tuna cans until the crops can be harvested again which could be several months. As a result, the local Mamas who grow this product will have no work or income, which will lead them to fall further into poverty. 

Many local houses have been destroyed and are without clean water or power for several weeks to come, most losing their roofs at a minimum. Other dwelling spots have been left empty, with bare spaces of land where houses once stood. Cyclones Judy and Kevin have left the people of Vanuatu with no food, water, power, or roofs over their heads. The very little that they did have has now gone.

This is the struggle that the men, women and children of Vanuatu are currently facing, and it's going to be an ongoing - daily struggle for the foreseeable future.

We here at Chains to Life Ministries have never seen this kind of devastation before, both physically and emotionally. However we know that there is hope, and that hope is found in Jesus Christ!

Will you help us rebuild Vanuatu?

Will you help us show the love and hope of Jesus Christ through the rebuilding of homes, kitchens and lives?

Through prayer and sharing the Gospel with the people of our areas, we work alongside them to rebuild their lives. We believe that men, women, and children will develop a new and enthusiastic love for our Lord and Saviour who has brought hope at a time when there seemed to be none.

Make a Donation

Here’s how you can help:

  • Pray for the strength and wisdom of our team as we walk alongside the people of Vanuatu.
  • Pray that the people of Vanuatu will see the hope and love of Christ through us, bringing a change to their lives and opening their hearts to know Christ.
  • Donate so we can purchase building materials (wood, cement, iron roofing and all that comes with rebuilding basic homes).
  • Come and visit our beautiful country! Yes, Vanuatu is still beautiful! Bring with you your gifts, skills, time and talents to help us rebuild. We are in desperate need of carpenters, builders and handymen, however, everyone is welcome to come and muck in. Ladies, the local women and children need emotional support. Perhaps you are musical and want to lift spirits, teach our Mamas your homemaking skills, or simply (children).

Prayerfully consider one the above ways that you can support the people of Vanuatu through this Cyclone Disaster Recovery by choosing one of the options below: